Active Donor Entities in Puerto Rico: 2022-2023

Explore and learn about the donor entities that were active in Puerto Rico in 2022 and 2023

As part of our mission to sustain the social ecosystem and strategic social investments in Puerto Rico, we collect, analyze, and disseminate data to support philanthropy in addressing the challenges and opportunities in Puerto Rico. We aim to facilitate data connection between donors and nonprofit organizations, promoting greater transparency and alignment in the social ecosystem.

Objectives: Through the collection and analysis of this data, we seek to:

  • Recognize the active donor entities in Puerto Rico during 2022 and 2023.
  • Identify general investment patterns and trends to better understand donor interests and priorities.

Data Analysis: This report analyzes data collected from 76 nonprofit organizations, offering a comprehensive view of the Active Donor Entities landscape over the years 2022 and 2023. Our analysis focuses on:

  • The number and categories of active donor entities over the years 2022 and 2023, and determining whether these donors are based in Puerto Rico or the United States.
  • A comparative analysis of active donor entities from 2022 to 2023 to identify trends in donor activity.
  • Exploring recurring donors to assess the stability and commitment of long-term funding sources.


Data Status:
Current as of December 3, 2023, 10:00 AM

Data Collection Methodology:

Filantropía Puerto Rico conducted a survey to gather data on the sources of funding, donations, or grants received by nonprofit organizations during 2022 and 2023. This survey was disseminated via email. Responses were collected in two primary ways:

  1. Direct Submissions: Organizations completed the survey independently, providing their data directly.
  2. Phone Interviews: For organizations that required assistance or preferred verbal communication, representatives from Filantropía Puerto Rico conducted phone interviews to gather the data.

The dataset comprises responses from 76 nonprofit organizations in Puerto Rico.

Note on Data Completeness:
Not all donor entities active in 2022 and 2023 are encompassed in this data report. As not all nonprofit entities in Puerto Rico participated in this survey, other active donor organizations might not be represented here. Therefore, the designation of an entity being “active” or “inactive” between 2022 and 2022, or if they remained consistent in their support, is based on this sample (76 surveyed nonprofit organizations).

Data Standardization and Clarifications:
During our data cleaning process, we aimed to standardize responses to enhance clarity and maintain consistency across the dataset. Specifically, when an organization reported receiving funding, a donation, or a grant, we recorded the direct source of the funding rather than the specific program through which the funding was channeled. This approach ensures that our dataset reflects the primary donor entities, such as government departments or major foundations, rather than fragmented data by individual programs.

For example, if different programs within the United States Department of Agriculture or the Puerto Rico Department of Housing provided funding, we listed the department itself as the donor entity, rather than each individual program. This method helps in aggregating and analyzing data at a more strategic level, providing clearer insights into the major sources of funding and support without the complexities introduced by the wide variety of specific programs.

This standardization particularly applies to government and philanthropic categories, where multiple programs often operate under a single organizational banner. It simplifies the data and focuses on the overarching entities responsible for the distribution of funds, making it easier to identify major donors and understand their impact on the nonprofit sector in Puerto Rico.

Corporate Donations Clarification:
It is crucial to differentiate between donations made directly by corporations and those made by their associated philanthropic foundations. In our data:

  • Corporate Donations: These are contributions from corporate entities themselves, typically through their corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs. For example, donations listed under ‘Walmart’ reflect contributions made directly by the corporation, generally aimed at community engagement or sustainability initiatives directly managed by the corporate entity.

  • Philanthropic Foundations: Separate from corporate donations, many corporations establish philanthropic foundations that operate independently and focus on broader or different sets of social causes. When such foundations are active, they are categorized under ‘Philanthropic Donors’. For example, the ‘Walmart Foundation’ would be listed separately from ‘Walmart’ if both contributed, reflecting its distinct role as a philanthropic entity.

Multi-Location Corporate Donations (e.g., 3M): It’s crucial to accurately reflect the origin of funding when dealing with multinational corporations such as 3M, which may make donations from different locations within their corporate structure. Both the contributions from their headquarters or other branches in the United States, as well as those from their local branch in Puerto Rico, are noted to illustrate the dual origin of the funding.

  • If funds are provided by 3M’s headquarters or any other branches in the United States, they are listed as coming from the United States.
  • If funds are provided by 3M’s branch in Puerto Rico, they are listed as originating from Puerto Rico.

Report Inaccuracy:
This data is primarily derived from information provided directly by the surveyed organizations. In the process of compiling this data, Filantropía Puerto Rico utilized various methods, including direct surveys and data mining, to categorize and attribute the sources of funds either as originating from Puerto Rico or the United States.

In instances where the categorization of a donor or the attribution of funds may not clearly align with the available information or expectations, it may be due to the methodological decisions made during data collection and processing. If you identify any discrepancies or have concerns regarding the categorization or the reported data, please do not hesitate to contact us for clarification or correction.

Please report any discrepancies or data concerns via email to Richard Córdova at [email protected]. Your feedback is vital to us and will assist in enhancing the accuracy and reliability of our reporting.

Donor Entity Categories

Active Donor Entity: Refers to any organization or institution that has provided financial support to nonprofit organizations in Puerto Rico through funds, grants, or donations during a specific calendar year (e.g., January to December 2022, January to December 2023). We categorize them into three main groups: Philanthropic, Government, and Corporation, based on their nature and the source of their funding:

Philanthropic – Organized efforts by foundations, trusts, funds, and charitable organizations to provide financial grants, resources, or support to address societal needs: Note: Classification for Reporting Purposes – For this report philanthropic includes:

  • Foundations (Endowment Grantmaking) – Organization that possess a financial endowment from which they regularly allocate funds. These foundations typically support social causes over long periods through structured grantmaking programs.
  • Funds (No Endowment) – Organizations that do not have a financial endowment but rather operate by pooling resources from various contributors. These funds often focus on more immediate or short-term project-based initiatives, disbursing financial support to causes as resources are gathered.

Government – Financial support allocated by governmental entities for programs, projects, or initiatives. Government grants are often sourced from government budgets, taxes, or other public revenue streams, with the aim of addressing public needs and promoting the welfare of communities or society.

Corporation – Refers to financial support provided by corporations or for-profit entities to charitable causes, projects, or initiatives. These grants represent a company’s commitment to invest in social, environmental, or community initiatives that resonate with their organizational mission and values.


Year Active – refers to a specific calendar year (e.g., January to December 2022, January to December 2023) during which a donor entity is actively engaged in providing donations or funding to one or more nonprofit organizations. It is identified based on the responses of nonprofit organizations in surveys, where they report receiving support from particular donor entities within that year.

Funding, Donation or Grant or Geographic Origin

Puerto Rico: In this report, when funding or a donor is said to be “from Puerto Rico,” it indicates that the financial resources or the donor entity is based within the geographical confines of Puerto Rico. This classification is used to specify contributions that are managed and disbursed by entities operating locally within Puerto Rico, underscoring a direct investment into the local Puerto Rican community and economy.

United States: When funding or a donor is described as “from the United States,” it refers to financial contributions or donor entities based in any of the 50 states of the United States. This designation is applied to donations that originate from United States, highlighting funds that are managed and disbursed by entities operating from locations outside Puerto Rico but within the broader United States. This helps to differentiate between local Puerto Rican contributions and those entering Puerto Rico from other parts of the United States.

International: When funding or a donor is classified as “international,” it refers to financial contributions or donor entities based outside both Puerto Rico and the United States. This includes donations originating from any foreign country or international organization. The term highlights financial resources that come from outside the U.S. and Puerto Rico, aimed at supporting initiatives in Puerto Rico.

  1. Acción Valerosa, Inc.
  2. Andanza, Inc.
  3. Apoyo Mutuo Agricola PR Corporación
  4. Arrecifes Pro Ciudad, Inc.
  5. Asociación ACIRC Corp.
  6. Asociación de Comunidades Unidas Tomando Acción Solidaria, Inc. (ACUTAS)
  7. Asociación Mayagüezana de Personas con Impedimentos, Inc.
  8. Asociación Suzuki de Puerto Rico, Inc.
  9. Ayuda Legal Puerto Rico, Inc.
  10. Banco de Alimento Puerto Rico, Inc.
  11. Boys & Girls Club of Puerto Rico, Inc.
  12. Caribbean Thoroughbred Aftercare, Inc.
  13. Causa Local Corporation
  14. Centro Comunitario Rvda. Inés Figueroa, Inc.
  15. Centro de Apoyo Mutuo Bucarabones Unido
  16. Centro de Apoyo Mutuo Jíbaro Bartolo, Lares
  17. Centro de Ayuda y Terapia al Niño con Impedimento, Inc.
  18. Centro de Conservación y Restauración de Puerto Rico (CENCOR)
  19. Centro de Economía Creativa, Inc.
  20. Centro Educativo Pasitos del Saber, Inc.
  21. Centro Esperanza, Inc.
  22. Centro Madre Dominga, Casa Belén, Inc.
  23. Centro Madre Teresa de Calcuta, Inc.
  24. Centros Sor Isolina Ferré, Inc.
  25. Ciencia Puerto Rico, Inc.
  26. Comité Pro Desarrollo de Villa Cañona, Inc.
  27. Cooperativa de Energía de San Salvador, Pirucho Coop
  28. Corporación La Fondita de Jesús
  29. Corporación para el Desarrollo Económico y Comunitario de Sabana Grande, Inc. (SACED)
  30. Corporation for the Conservation of the San Juan Bay Estuary
  31. Departamento de la Comida de Puerto Rico, Inc.
  32. El Enjambre Colectivo, Inc.
  33. El Instituto de Orientación y Terapia Familiar de Caguas, Inc.
  34. Espacios Abiertos Puerto Rico, Inc.
  35. Fideicomiso de Tierras Comunitarias para la Agricultura Sostenible
  36. Fideicomiso del Bosque Modelo de Puerto Rico
  37. Fundación Agenda Ciudadana, Inc.
  38. Fundación Atención Atención
  39. Fundación de Mujeres en Puerto Rico
  40. Fundación de Niños de Puerto Rico
  41. Fundación Dr. Carlos López Somolino, Inc.
  42. Fundación por la Arquitectura
  43. Garden of Eden Health Center Corp
  44. Hermanos Sin Fronteras, Inc.
  45. Humanidades Puerto Rico
  46. Instituto del Desarrollo de la Juventud
  47. Instituto Nueva Escuela
  48. Instituto Psicopedagógico de Puerto Rico
  49. Integro Foundation, Inc.
  50. Kids 4 Green Culebra, Inc.
  51. Kilómetro 0, Inc.
  52. La Liga de Ciudades de Puerto Rico, Inc.
  53. La Maraña Corp.
  54. Lectores para el Futuro
  55. Limpiar Puerto Rico, Inc.
  56. María Fund
  57. Mentes Puertorriqueñas en Acción, Inc.
  58. Movimiento para el Alcance de Vida Independiente, Inc.
  59. Museo de Arte y Diseño de Miramar
  60. Naguabos Somos Todos/Movimiento Social
  61. Nuestra Escuela, Inc.
  62. Para la Naturaleza
  63. Plenitud Iniciativa Eco-educativas, Inc.
  64. Programa de Educación Comunal de Entrega y Servicio, Inc. (P.E.C.E.S., Inc.)
  65. Pueblo Crítico, Inc.
  66. Red Regional de Apoyo Mutuo
  67. Resiliency Law Center, Inc.
  68. Sembrando Sentido, Inc.
  69. Sociedad Americana Contra el Cáncer
  70. Sociedad Ornitológica Puertorriqueña, Inc.
  71. Taller Salud, Inc.
  72. Tierra de Luna Corp
  73. True Self Foundation
  74. Tropic Ventures Research and Education Foundation
  75. VAMOS Concertación Ciudadana, Inc.
  76. Vitrina Solidaria, Inc.

Number of Active Donor Entities in Puerto Rico: 2022-2023

The following chart displays the number of donor entities active in Puerto Rico during 2022 and 2023, segmented by their base location. Use the following buttons to filter the data:

  • All: Shows the total number of active donors entities in Puerto Rico, combining those based in Puerto Rico, United States and Internationally.
  • Puerto Rico: Displays donors who are based in Puerto Rico and have contributed to initiatives within Puerto Rico.
  • United States: Displays donors who are based in the United States and have contributed to initiatives in Puerto Rico.
  • International: Displays donors who are based outside Puerto Rico and the United States have contributed to initiatives on the island.
  • Legend: You can also click on each year to selectively view or hide data from that year.
ECharts Example
Active Donor Entities in 2022​
Active Donor Entities in 2023
Recurring - Active in both years
Surveyed Nonprofit Organizations

List of Active Donor Entities in Puerto Rico: 2022-2023

Active Donor Entities 2022-2023

Reflect on the Data

Key Findings

Total Active Donor Entities Overview

Breakdown by Donor Category


  • In 2022, there were a total of 79 corporate donors entities, with 64 based in Puerto Rico, and 15 based in the United States.
  • In 2023, the total number of corporate donors slightly decreased to 77, with 59 based in Puerto Rico and 18 based in the United States.


  • In 2022, there were a total of 40 government donors, with 27 based in Puerto Rico and 13 based in the United States.
  • In 2023, the total number of government donors increased to 50, with 34 based in Puerto Rico and 16 based in the United States.


  • In 2022, there were a total of 165 philanthropic category donors, with 60 based in Puerto Rico, 104 based in the United States and 1 based outside Puerto Rico and United States (International).
  • In 2023, the total number of philanthropic donors slightly decreased to 159, with 54 based in Puerto Rico and 105 based in the United States.

Number of Active Donor Entities in Puerto Rico: 2022-2023 by Category

ECharts Doughnut Chart

Year-Over-Year Trends and Changes

Year 2022

  • In 2022, donor contributions from Puerto Rico were diversified across three categories, with 64 corporate donors making up 42.4% of all Puerto Rican donors, 27 government donors comprising 17.9%, and 60 philanthropic donors representing 39.7%.
  • From the United States, the contribution dynamic was different. There were 15 corporate donors making up 11.4% of all United States donors, 13 government donors comprising 9.8%, and a dominant 104 philanthropic donors representing 78.8%.

Year 2023

  • In 2023, there was a slight decrease in contributions from Puerto Rico, with 59 corporate donors making up 40.1% of all Puerto Rican donors, 34 government donors comprising 23.1%, and 54 philanthropic donors representing 36.7%.

  • Contributions from the United States in 2023 saw a small increase, with 18 corporate donors making up 12.9% of all United States donors, 16 government donors comprising 11.5%, and 105 philanthropic donors representing 75.5%

Recurring Donors - Active Donors in Both Years​

A total of 177 donor entities were active in both 2022 and 2023, with 105 based in Puerto Rico (59.3%) and 72 based in the United States (40.7%). Among recurring donors from Puerto Rico, there were 40 corporate donors, 25 government donors, and 40 philanthropic donors. From the United States, there were 8 corporate donors, 10 government donors, and 54 philanthropic donors. This highlights a strong retention rate among philanthropic entities, emphasizing their ongoing commitment to initiatives in Puerto Rico.

Concluding Insights

The analysis of active donor entities in Puerto Rico reveals a stable overall donor count from 2022 to 2023, with shifts in geographical distribution and category-specific trends. The retention of recurring donors, especially among philanthropic entities, underscores the sustained commitment to supporting Puerto Rico’s initiatives. 

The consistent involvement of key donors from both Puerto Rico and the United States reflects a stable support system for initiatives in Puerto Rico. The increase in government donors from both regions suggests a growing recognition of the importance of these initiatives.

The slight decline in corporate and philanthropic donors from Puerto Rico could indicate a need for enhanced engagement strategies to maintain and grow these vital contributions. The emergence of new donors from the United States highlights the potential for expanding international support and collaboration.

This comprehensive analysis provides valuable insights for strategic planning and donor engagement efforts, offering a detailed breakdown by category and geographical origin to inform targeted approaches for enhancing support and fostering long-term partnerships.

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