FORWARD Puerto Rico Fund

A pooled fund supporting key nonprofit organizations and innovative projects that advocate for equitably addressing the layered crises facing Puerto Rico, while increasing the resilience of vulnerable populations on the island. Strategic investments are multi-year and of a significant size to enhance their potential impact.

Once more, the FORWARD Fund of Filantropía Puerto Rico is present in the disaster and recovery response after Hurricane Fiona.

Learn more about this fund and how to join forces!

What the fund supports

Promoting social justice and transparency in the distribution of public resources with particular emphasis on recovery funds provided by the federal government.​

Facilitating data analysis and informed public dialogue and debates on actual and potential impacts of new policies, particularly on vulnerable populations.​

Advancing the resilience and sustainability of the nonprofit sector by enhancing leadership, building fiscal and programmatic health, augmenting collective influence and voice, and enabling collaborations among organizations.​

Who created it & why?

FORWARD Puerto Rico Fund was created by Filantropía Puerto Rico  (FiPR), the island’s first philanthropy serving organization (PSO). Its members include longstanding and prestigious Puerto Rican and US-based philanthropic organizations with extensive experience in strategic grantmaking and deep involvement with the nonprofit sector.

The Fund was created in 2017 as an instrument to advance significant solutions that typically go beyond the grantmaking possibilities of a single investor. The Fund’s first grantmaking round was used for its Phase #1, an emergency relief funding effort following Hurricane María. Phase #2 focused on recovery and reconstruction funding tied to the hurricane’s aftermath. For Phase #3, and as of April 2020, we are evaluating how the Fund fulfills the needs exacerbated by earthquakes in the South of Puerto Rico and the COVID-19 outbreak.

With half of its population living under the U. S. poverty level, Puerto Rico confronts layered challenges that primarily affect the island’s most vulnerable populations. The two latest being the COVID-19 outbreak in the Spring of 2020 and the devastation caused by earthquakes striking the southern part of the island beginning in December 2019. The latest crises occurred at a time when the island was already facing a huge economic collapse and a slow and highly controversial recovery process from the disasters caused by hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017.

COVID-19 and the quakes aggravated already dire social conditions such as high unemployment rates, increased migration, precarious housing conditions, closed public schools, and inefficient and outdated public utilities, especially the electric authority.

With government services stretched thin and long before the hurricanes, earthquakes and the Coronavirus, community-based nonprofit organizations were always ready to step in and serve the most vulnerable populations. As organizations deeply rooted in local communities, they pursue equal treatment, advocate for the most vulnerable, create innovative initiatives, mobilize volunteers and address basic needs. Their proximity and knowledge of their communities and people enable them to quickly and efficiently provide necessary services, even in remote places

FORWARD Puerto Rico Fund is one of FiPR’s strategies to develop philanthropic partnerships that help bolster the capacity of nonprofit institutions and help place Puerto Rico on a clear path to recovery and transformation, coupled with greater equity and prosperity.

Donations Received


Funds Distribution


Our Grantees

PriorityYearGranteeGrant Total
#0 Emergency Relief Grant2017La Fondita de Jesús $ 40,000.00
#0 Emergency Relief Grant2017Boys and Girls Club de Puerto Rico $ 40,000.00
#0 Emergency Relief Grant2017Casa Pueblo $ 45,000.00
#0 Emergency Relief Grant2017Centro de Periodismo Investigativo $ 40,000.00
#0 Emergency Relief Grant2017Centros Sor Isolina Ferré $ 40,000.00
#0 Emergency Relief Grant2017CREARTE $ 40,000.00
#0 Emergency Relief Grant2017Grupo de las Ocho Comunidades del Caño Martín Peña (G8) $ 40,000.00
#0 Emergency Relief Grant2017Hogar Cuna San Cristobal $ 41,000.00
#0 Emergency Relief Grant2017Instituto Nueva Escuela $ 40,000.00
#0 Emergency Relief Grant2017Museo de Arte Contemporáneo $ 40,000.00
#0 Emergency Relief Grant2017Nuestra Escuela $ 40,000.00
#0 Emergency Relief Grant2017Para la Naturaleza $ 50,000.00
#0 Emergency Relief Grant2017Programa de Educación Comunal de Entrega y Servicio (PECES) $ 40,000.00
#0 Emergency Relief Grant2017Proyecto Matria $ 40,000.00
#0 Emergency Relief Grant2017SER de Puerto Rico $ 40,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2018Andanza $ 40,000.00
#1 Distribution Transparency2018Ayuda Legal Puerto Rico $ 300,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2018Banco de Alimentos de Puerto Rico $ 40,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2018Beta Local $ 40,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2018Beta Local $ 21,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2018Caras con Causa $ 40,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2018Casa Pueblo $ 30,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2018Centro ESCAPE $ 40,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2018Centro ESCAPE $ 75,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2018Centro para una Nueva Economía $ 40,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2018CREARTE $ 100,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2018Centro para la Nueva Economia a Beneficio de Espacios Abiertos $ 40,000.00
#1 Distribution Transparency2018Centro para la Nueva Economia a Beneficio de Espacios Abiertos $ 150,000.00
#1 Distribution Transparency2018Fundación Fondo de Acceso a la Justicia $ 100,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2018Grupo de las Ocho Comunidades del Caño Martín Peña (G8) $ 25,000.00
#2 Data Generation2018Boys and Girls Club de Puerto Rico a Beneficio de Instituto Desarrollo de la Juventud $ 242,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2018Instituto Nueva Escuela $ 100,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2018La Fondita de Jesús $ 100,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2018Museo de Arte Contemporáneo $ 100,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2018Museo de Arte de Ponce $ 11,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2018Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico $ 75,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2018Nuestra Escuela $ 100,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2018Programa de Educación Comunal de Entrega y Servicio (PECES) $ 100,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2018Proyecto Matria $ 60,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2018SER de Puerto Rico $ 100,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2018Taller Salud $ 40,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2018Taller Salud $ 70,000.00
#2 Data Generation2019Cambio PR $ 303,750.00
#2 Data Generation2019Cambio PR $ 25,000.00
#2 Data Generation2019Universidad de Puerto Rico a Beneficio del Centro Estudios Multidisciplinarios sobre Gobierno y Asuntos Públicos $ 447,000.00
#1 Distribution Transparency2019Centro de Periodismo Investigativo $ 680,125.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2019Colegio Sonifel $ 80,000.00
#2 Data Generation2019Centro para la Nueva Economia a Beneficio de Espacios Abiertos $ 30,000.00
#2 Data Generation2019iCasa $ 175,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2019Productora Angeles del Fin, Inc a Beneficio de Desarrollo y Promoción Cultural $ 90,000.00
#2 Data Generation2019Productora Angeles del Fin, Inc a Beneficio de Desarrollo y Promoción Cultural $ 85,800.00
#2 Data Generation2019Para la Naturaleza $ 185,000.00
#1 Distribution Transparency2019Mentes Puertorriquenas en Acción a Beneficio de Sembrando Sentido $ 75,100.00
#2 Data Generation2019Taller Salud $ 550,357.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2019HASER $ 250,000.00
#4 Earthquake Relief Grants2020Andanza $ 15,000.00
#4 Earthquake Relief Grants2020Universidad de Puerto Rico a Benefico del Proyecto PATRIA Sur $ 47,000.00
#4 Earthquake Relief Grants2020One Stop Career Center of PR $ 30,000.00
#4 Earthquake Relief Grants2020Ponce Neigborhood Housing Services $ 30,000.00
#4 Earthquake Relief Grants2020PathStone Corporation $ 30,000.00
#4 Earthquake Relief Grants2020Museo de Arte Contemporáneo $ 50,500.00
#4 Earthquake Relief Grants2020CMTAS $ 29,500.00
#4 Earthquake Relief Grants2020Red por los Derechos de los Niños $ 25,000.00
#4 Earthquake Relief Grants2020Fundacion Musica y Pais $ 22,500.00
#2 Data Generation2020Coalicion Legal de Puerto Rico $ 12,500.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2020Coordinadora Paz para la Mujer $ 5,000.00
#2 Data Generation2020Kilometro Cero $ 300,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2020Boys and Girls Club de Puerto Rico a Beneficio de Instituto Desarrollo de la Juventud $ 150,000.00
#2 Data Generation2020Centro de la Mujer Dominicana $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Centro para una Nueva Economía $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Coalicion de Coaliciones de Puerto Rico $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Fideicomiso de la Tierra del Caño Martin Peña $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020FURIA $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Primera Iglesia Bautista $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Pathstone Community Development Corporation of Puerto Rico $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Centro para la Reconstruccion del Habitat $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Fundación Fondo de Acceso a la Justicia $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020ACUTAS - Asociación de Comunidades Unidas Tomando Acción Solidaria $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020SOLIDUS $ 500.00
#2 Data Generation2020Ayuda Legal Puerto Rico $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020CARAS of the Americas a Beneficio de Coalición Residentes Vivienda Pública $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Comisión Nacional de Vivienda Cooperativa $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Centro para una Nueva Economía $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020INDESOVI - Instituto para el Desarrollo Socioeconómico y de Vivienda de Puerto Rico $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Proyecto ENLACE Caño Martín Peña $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Habitat for Humanity $ 500.00
#2 Data Generation2020ABRE PR $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Nuestra Escuela $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Boys and Girls Club de Puerto Rico $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Comite Timon de Familiares de Personas con Impedimentos $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Universidad de Puerto Rico a Beneficio de Centro de Estudios Multidisciplinarios en Gobierno y Asuntos Públicos $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020No Poor Left Behind $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Proyecto Cibarí de Jóvenes Puerto Rico en Riesgo $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Aprodec a Beneficio de Asociación Puertorriqueña de Sostenibilidad $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Cambio PR $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020IDEBAJO a Beneficio de Queremos Sol $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Museo de Reciclaje $ 500.00
#2 Data Generation2020Instituto para la investigación y Acción en Agroecología $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020HASER a Beneficio de La Colmena Cimarrona $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Acueducto Comunidad Buenos Aires $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Para La Naturaleza $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Nuestra Escuela a Beneficio de Agua, Sol y Sereno $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Museo de Arte Contemporaneo a Beneficio de Asociación de Museos $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Asociación de Documentalistas de PR $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Beta Local $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Coordinadora Paz Para La Mujera Beneficio de Circuito Queer $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Taller Comunidad La Goyco $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Centro de Economia Creativa a Beneficio de Inversión Cultural $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Para La Naturaleza $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Centro de Periodismo Investigativo $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Colectivo Ilé $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Proyecto Matria a Beneficio de Comité Amplio para la Búsqueda de la Equidad $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Espacios Abiertos $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Junte Gente $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020G-8 $ 500.00
#2 Data Generation2020G-8 a Beneficio de Líderes Jóvenes en Acción $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020Proyecto Matria $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020VAMOS PR $ 800.00
#2 Data Generation2020FURIA $ 150,000.00
#2 Data Generation2021Mentes Puertorriquenas en Accion a Beneficio de Sembrando Sentido $ 36,000.00
#2 Data Generation2021Cambio PR $ 100,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2021Centro de Economia Creativa $ 180,000.00
#2 Data Generation2021Espacios Abiertos $ 76,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2021Nuestra Escuela a Beneficio del Movimiento una sola Voz $ 52,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2021VAMOS PR $ 155,500.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2021Centro para la Reconstrucción del Hábitat $ 50,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2021Comite de Desarrollo Social y Cultural Daguao, Inc a Beneficio de Naguabo Somos Todos $ 44,500.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2021Casa Solidaria Matria $ 50,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2021Nuestra Escuela a Beneficio de Movimiento al Rescate de mi Escuela $ 50,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2021ACUTAS $ 50,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2021CAMBU $ 98,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2021Universidad de Puerto Rico a Beneficio del Centro Estudios Multidisciplinarios sobre Gobierno y Asuntos Públicos $ 50,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2021Proyecto Matria $ 50,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2021Instituto para la Investigación y Acción en Agroecología $ 170,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2021Fideicomiso de Tierras Comunitarias para la Agricultura Sostenible $ 45,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2021Fideicomiso del Bosque Modelo $ 35,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2021Parceleras Afrocaribeñas $ 35,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2021Para La Naturaleza $ 15,000.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2021Agenda Ciudadana $ 500.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2021Caribana Coop $ 500.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2021Amapola $ 500.00
#3 Resiliency + Sustainability2021El Puente $ 500.00

Our Donors

American Endowment Foundation $ 20,000.00
Carl F Baerst & Janice $ 20.00
CCM Group LLC CONCUR INV $ 50,000.00
Charles Melendez $ 50.00
Comic Relief $ 1,500,000.00
Conchita Gonzalez $ 75.00
Crowdfunding $ 400,838.74
Dr. Mary R. Carter $ 10.00
Ford Foundation $ 700,000.00
Francisco Carvajal Narvaez $ 56,561.00
Fundacion Angel Ramos $ 200,000.00
Fundacion BPPR $ 200,000.00
Fundacion Comunitaria de Puerto Rico $ 50,000.00
Fundacion Francisco Carvajal $ 443,439.00
Fundacion Segarra Boerman e Hijos $ 50,000.00
Fundación Titín $ 50,000.00
Gap, Inc. - CyberGrants, Inc. $ 7,500.00
Global Giving Foundation $ 724,975.00
Hill Snowdon Foundation $ 19,000.00
Hispanics in Philanthopy $ 255,000.00
Jorge V. Salgado $ 5,000.00
Josefina Pasarell $ 500.00
Karen B Rubin $ 50.00
Laurie F. Michaels $ 100,000.00
Louise M Bastedo $ 75.00
Mariposa Foundation $ 25,000.00
Martha Fernandez $ 287.50
Miami Foundation $ 250,000.00
Miranda Foundation $ 50,000.00
NBPA Foundation $ 100,000.00
Network for Good $ 840.00
Novo Foundation $ 1,500.00
Open Society Foundations $ 529,985.00
Rachel M. Brownstein $ 100.00
Rafael B. Borras $ 100.00
Richard L. Patrick & Patricia Patrick $ 250.00
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation $ 1,150,000.00
Rockefeller Foundation $ 500,000.00
Ruben Rodriguez $ 4,854.70
Schwabb Charitable $ 7,500.00
Shwabb Charitable $ 1,000.00
Susan R and John W. Sullivan Foundation $ 5,000.00
Sylvia Rosenberg Diamand $ 75.00
The Church of the Holy Spirit of St Paul, MN $ 718.05
The JPB Foundation $ 500,000.00
The Vermont Country Store $ 800.00
V. Suarez& Co., Inc $ 30,000.00
Wanda Lawrence $ 400.00
Wind Point Foundation $ 12,000.00
WK Kellogg Foundation $ 1,000,000.00
Yvonne Shepard $ 1,000.00


How does the Fund operate?

FORWARD Puerto Rico Fund collects contributions from philanthropic organizations based in Puerto Rico and in the United States, as well as from individuals and other private sources. Funds are distributed in Puerto Rico among nonprofit organizations that aim to advance equity and social justice in alignment with the Fund’s priorities.

The Fund is managed by FiPR, whose Board of Directors is composed of leaders from its member philanthropic organizations that ensure the effective distribution of funds raised.

Our Donors

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