Let's Build Our Collective Strength

Through our membership we serve our network by holding needed spaces for the philanthropic sector to be at the forefront of social change on the island and closely in touch with community based organizations. These spaces strengthen our relationships, grow our collective intelligence, and explore innovative strategies to take action.


Engage with a community of local and U.S. based foundations, to think through and take action to build impactful social investment.


Connect with grantmakers to meet around shared interests, learn from each others work, develop partnerships and align strategies that support systemic changes.


Amplify your philanthropic voice and impact in Puerto Rico in areas of equity, collaboration, transparency, social and racial justice

Being a member of FiPR is about much more than just receiving services in return for your investment.

It’s about investing in, and being an active participant in, a vibrant interactive network that places a strong value on sharing, learning and connecting among your network colleagues.

By being a member you get to participate in events intentionally created

Strategic Building events

A space to have challenging conversations and align efforts aimed at achieving systemic changes for the most affected populations in Puerto Rico.

Annual Convening

Yearly gathering of leaders, strategists, disruptors, and innovators in the philanthropic sector come together to explore our practice as philanthropists and grantmakers. Through a series of panels, open conversations, and on-site exploration of community-based efforts, we celebrate our strengths and discuss ways to increase the positive impact of philanthropic social investment in Puerto Rico.

Action Dialogues

Monthly working spaces co-created by members of Filantropía Puerto Rico to explore relevant issues, have strategic conversations, and align concrete actions that continue to develop the philanthropic sector.

Capacity Building Opportunities

Learning together, listening to each other and co-creating tools that contribute to the strategic conversation and find solutions to common problems.

Learning Journeys

Community immersions experiences to learn about and connect with emerging solutions that promote equity and justice. We learn about real response for resiliency and share with leaders who work for the well being of their communities.

Learning Sessions

Events to learn together, be it a member exclusive workshop or a web seminar, it’s an experience to learn about new practices or issues that affect Puerto Rico.

Somos Filantropía Podcast

Monthly conversation with guests to learn new perspectives and discuss about the work done in Puerto Rico by the social sector.

Relationship Building Events

Activities where members interact to build relationships and connect at different levels, as we believe these spaces are crucial for the development of the sector.

Member MeetUps

Informal quarterly meetings to get to know each other. Come and network with your peers. The drinks are on us!

Members Brunch

Every two months to learn more about members’ current projects and their priority focus. Each month an affiliate member office will host and showcase their work.

Members Hub

A members exclusive virtual community to keep you connected to the network.

Who Can Join Us?

Membership is open to Puerto Rico-based and foreign organizations with grantmaking as their primary focus of activity, which are accessible to the public and open to a reasonable range of nonprofits in Puerto Rico. These funders must have an active tax-exempt status by the Internal Revenue Service and/or the Puerto Rico Department of Treasury fitting one of the following categories.

A tax-exempt organization that makes grants based on charitable endowments.

A tax-exempt organization that makes grants based on charitable endowments and is not controlled by the benefactor or the benefactor’s family.

A tax-exempt, nonprofit, autonomous, publicly supported, philanthropic institution organized and operated primarily as a permanent collection of endowed funds for the long-term benefit of a defined geographic area. Community foundations have a governing body broadly representative of the general public, maintain a broad grants program to multiple grantees that is limited neither by field of interest nor to serving only parts of the population, and may also provide direct charitable services.

A tax-exempt organization where the donor and/or donor’s relatives play a central role in the governance and/or management of the endowed funds.

A tax-exempt, nonprofit, publicly supported charitable institution whose primary purpose is grantmaking to multiple organizations and whose sources of annual support are a mix of private and public donations.

A tax-exempt organization that derives its grantmaking funds primarily from a corporation. The company-sponsored foundation may maintain close ties with the donor company, but it is a separate, legal organization subject to the same rules and regulations as other private foundations

A private foundation that devotes most of its resources to provide direct charitable services (the active conduct of its exempt activities.)

Membership Criteria

An eligible organization interested in becoming a Member of Filantropía Puerto Rico shall meet the following criteria in order to be considered to join the current members:

• An organization’s core interest in joining FiPR is a desire to strengthen the quality of its own grantmaking and to work with other members to improve the field of grantmaking in Puerto Rico.

• A core function of a prospective member is making charitable grants.

• Prospective members should have a meaningful grantmaking presence in Puerto Rico and/or should demonstrate a commitment to growing their grantmaking on the archipelago.

• The prospective member’s grant distributions are made primarily on a discretionary basis to multiple non profit organizations that are not subsidiary or otherwise directly related to the prospective member.

• The prospective member reasonably anticipates that it will continue to meet all requirements for membership for at least the next two years.

• Organizations applying for new membership will submit a copy of:

  1. Their most recent State Tax Return,
  2. A 990 tax return (if applicable)
  3. List of Board of Directors of each organization
  4. Good Standing Certification

• FiPR Board of Directors’ retains final discretion on all matters concerning the approval of membership to FiPR.

• Annually all new and renewal members must report their overall grant making and what percent of that is in Puerto Rico.

Which Membership Level is right for your Organization?

Membership Level

Annual Convening

50% off 

• Members Brunch
• Member Meetups

• Trainings + Special Events
• Learning Journeys

 50% off

• Action Dialogues

By invitation only

By invitation only

By invitation only

Filantropía also serves by developing grantmaking tools: investment guides, research and data recollection to make our members’ work more impactful.

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