FiPR Research
Puerto Rico: a New Reality

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This work presents an overview of the already vulnerable situation of Puerto Rico, before the strike of hurricanes Irma and María and provides a picture of the damages and the situation of the Island after the disasters.
Puerto Rico is facing one of the most complex periods in its history. The difficult social and economic situation that the Island has been experiencing for decades, has been aggravated by the strike of Hurricanes Irma and Maria.
These disasters revealed the state of vulnerability of many of our communities and institutions, and the need to promote recovery strategies that build on resilience and the principles of sustainable development, and that promote government transparency and accountability.
The Non Profit Sector constituted the first – and in many instances – the only response to the disasters. As well, they are emerging as important stakeholders in the long-term recovery process.
This context undoubtedly requires everyone, including the Non-Profit Sector, to rethink their impact strategy.

The information presented is based on secondary sources available, including information:
- U.S. Census Bureau;
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration;
- PR Department of Labor and Human Resources;
- PR Planning Board;
- PR Department of State;
- Other local and federal government agencies; and
- Estudios Técnicos, Inc. databases.