Our Initiatives

We are an organization dedicated to sustaining the network of philanthropic changemakers who share a common vision of an equitable Puerto Rico. We cross boundaries, link sectors, embrace risk, and leverage every tool at our disposal to create opportunities for social change on the archipelago. 

We fulfill our mission around two goals: serving philanthropy and expanding philanthropy. We develop initiatives to convene a diverse group of leaders to align and mobilize resources and investments to achieve collective action towards systemic changes.


Intentionally designed to create spaces where our members can meet and collaborate through relationship, capacity and strategic building. These experiences serve as a platform to expand their ideas and perspectives with peers looking for new transformative practices. We hold the spaces with the focus of aligning as a collective to promote future actions that advance equity and justice. (Redirige a la página de membresía).

Learning to Listen

As part of our intention to get involved in transformational practices to advance equity, we embrace and inspire others to engage in listening practices around the social ecosystem. We hold diverse initiatives to sustain and leverage this transformational exercise. (Enlace a las páginas de L2L y FLCP)

Collective Intelligence

We developed this initiative to collect and facilitate access to information to offer a broad picture of the resources of the sector. Also, this initiative serves as a catalyst for amplifying the voice and impact of the social infrastructure and promotes the connection of data between grantmakers and non profit organizations.

The FORWARD Puerto Rico Fund

The FORWARD Puerto Rico Fund is aimed to attract economic strategic investments to the archipelago. This fund sustains the social infrastructure by mobilizing resources in order to advance structural changes that we need to attend to in the way to achieve equity.

Robusteciendo la Justicia Social

This community of practice is an initiative supporting the infrastructure and the long-term sustainability of seven local social justice organizations focused on issues related to housing, land use, the environment, and civic engagement. This space lets the cohort convene, discuss, and strategize together about the realities, challenges, and possibilities for Puerto Rico.

Compromisos para una recuperación justa

A space that we facilitate from Filantropía Puerto Rico for non-profit organizations and state and federal government agencies to meet and commit on housing and recovery issues in the archipelago.

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