FiPR News

Public Policy Landscape at Our First Hybrid Event of the Year

We had our first hybrid event combining a Members Meetup with an Action Dialogue this past Thursday at Sofía Venue. We had the opportunity to learn about the public policy work our peers at Titín Foundation are advancing, and seized this opportunity to discuss our memberhsip’s public policy landscape. After a stimulating strategic session, we wrapped up the night with a joyful networking session.

Titín Foundation’s public policy program is nothing short of commendable. As part of this initiative, the Foundation has held conversations and research with non-profit organizations to identify challenges faced by the third sector. What has come out of these conversations is a four-year plan focused on policy research and design. Their goals include strategies such as amendments to existing laws or innovative policy proposals that would result in long-term sustainability for non-profit organizations.

After listening about Titín Foundation’s public policy program, we had an Action Dialogue focused on a public policy landscape excercise and discussed public policy issues collectively as a sector. To trace a landscape focused on public policy initiatives from our members, we identified how many of us invest in this type of work. Moreover, we looked into how much we invest and how many organizations we support to advance public policy advocacy work.

Finally, we wrapped up the night with amazing food, drinks, and music delving into a long-due catch-up among our members. We loved kicking off the spring season with the enthusiasm and joy of our collective. Like one of our members, Yadira Valdivia from Liberty Foundation, shared: “I like attending FiPR’s membership events because we always learn, expand and rethink collectively while also taking an opportunity to connect”.

Contact Information: For further information, please contact Jeirca Medina, Public Policy Director at Titín Foundation, at [email protected]

Special note from Titín Foundation:

On March 21, we presented the public policy agenda that we will be working on to be included in the government platforms of all parties and promoted by all gubernatorial candidates. The issues are of general applicability to the Third Sector, so we understand that it is an excellent opportunity to appear in front of a united front.

There are several ways to participate:

  • Attend meetings coordinated by Titín Foundation as part of the Third Sector in support of the agenda.
  • Disseminate messages and support press and social media efforts – we can send you a tool kit to do this.
  • You can refer NPOs that you believe should join or support this effort in some way.
  • If you plan to do parallel work, we can align with you so as not to duplicate efforts.

We hope you can be part of this effort! Any questions please contact Lcda. Jeirca M. Medina Pagán, Associate Director of Public Policy.
[email protected]

Nota especial de Titín Foundation:

On March 21, we presented the public policy agenda that we will be working on to be included in the government platforms of all parties and promoted by all gubernatorial candidates. The issues are of general applicability to the Third Sector, so we understand that it is an excellent opportunity to appear in front of a united front.

There are several ways to participate:

  • Attend meetings coordinated by Titín Foundation as part of the Third Sector in support of the agenda.
  • Disseminate messages and support press and social media efforts – we can send you a tool kit to do this.
  • You can refer NPOs that you believe should join or support this effort in some way.
  • If you plan to do parallel work, we can align with you so as not to duplicate efforts.

We hope you can be part of this effort! Any questions please contact Lcda. Jeirca M. Medina Pagán, Associate Director of Public Policy.
[email protected]

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