FiPR News

Strategic Planning Session

We’re excited to announce that Filantropía Puerto Rico is on track with our Strategic Planning for the next few years. The process guided by Stacy Van Corp from See What I Mean (SWIM) started in November 2022 just after our 2022 Annual Convening, where we explored the importance of “Lean In to Co-Create” the present and future of the social sector in Puerto Rico. For us, being a collective means co-creating our experience and engaging in an intentional relationship to make something together. That’s why having our membership be so hands-on throughout this strategic process with us was very important for the FiPR team.
Our first step to understanding where our network stands was providing a survey for our membership where they completed a series of questions regarding our network. This was followed by one-on-one interviews with our Board of Directors. Key findings from the survey include:
  • Filantropía is good at connecting! Convening and connecting founders, getting many (if not all) of the important organizations in philanthropy in Puerto Rico together in one room, relationship and engagement opportunities, summoning and joining efforts of the sector, highlight the work of the philanthropic sector
  • Members are proud of engaging and listening in practices or initiatives of equity
  • Members support and see progress towards achieving our mission of “Puerto Rico with equal opportunities to participate and prosper available for all”

After compiling all the membership survey responses, this year we started the co-creating part of the Strategic Planning process with an in-person session on January 19th. The session was divided into two parts:

Morning session with Board of Directors: The purpose was to explore and narrow options for Filantropía Puerto Rico’s future based on our mission and vision. We discussed the Member survey results to help guide our exploration and focused on getting on the same page and thinking about what we aspire to three years from now. We dived into questions like:

  • What’s the right role for FiPR? 
  • What are ways in which we can contribute to bring change for PR and our FiPR Members? How can we bring change to the philanthropy field and our network overall?

Afternoon session with all our membership: After the morning meeting, we welcomed our entire membership to co-create ways the FiPR network can strengthen each member, our philanthropy network, and Puerto Rico. This was a high-engagement session with opportunities for our members to share, brainstorm and learn from one another. As well as help members meet their goals. 

We still have a long way ahead, but we are excited about the results our network aspires for.

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