Robusteciendo la Justicia Social Logo

Robusteciendo la Justicia Social (Strengthening Social Justice) is a project supporting long-term sustainability for seven organizations focused on social justice issues related to housing, land use, the environment and civic engagement.

With this and projects like Learning to Listen and Colección de Voces y Datos we continue testing and exploring the evolution of philanthropic practices to include flexible funding, multi-annual grant support, peer learnings, high quality feedback and self-diagnostic tools.

Impact Details

The 3-year project will be divided into the following major components:

Organizational Assessment

Through an organizational mapping tool (OMT) and facilitators’ support, organizations identify and prioritize their strengthening needs in key areas like strategy, leadership, finances, and systems.

Cohort Meetings

Through facilitated sessions, the seven cohort members will meet periodically to share learnings and challenges, and to maximize their individual efforts.

3-year grants

Results from the OMT will allow cohort participants to define areas of improvement and development, and the budget needed to achieve their goals.

[Community of Practice] Cohort Meeting Recaps

2021-2024 Cohort

These seven organizations will strengthen their structures while participating of the cohort to find areas of interest that can be leveraged by the collective.

Ayuda Legal Puerto Rico

A través de estrategias de apoderamiento legal, acompañamos a organizaciones, grupos y comunidades en la defensa de sus derechos humanos, en particular la vivienda.

Ariadna Michelle Godreau Aubert
Directora Ejecutiva y Fundadora

Centro para la Reconstrucción del Hábitat, Inc.

The CRH is committed to promote the recuperation and repurpose of the vacant and abandoned properties as unparalleled assets to supply for the needs of those at-risk and vulnerable communities.

Luis Orlando Gallardo Rivera
Director Ejecutivo

Fideicomiso de la Tierra del Caño Martín Peña

El Fideicomiso de la Tierra tiene la misión de poseer, custodiar y administrar todos los terrenos que la Corporación le transfiera y los bienes que adquira en el futuro para el beneficio de las comunidades que comprenden el Distrito, para propiciar su desarrollo integral y sustentable y la superación de la pobreza de sus residentes, y para fomentar una relación saludable entre el ambiente natural, la ciudad y dichas comunidades. El Fideicomiso de la Tierra llevará a cabo su misión en estrecha colaboración y coordinación con la Corporación, con la participación efectiva y protagónica del G-8, los residentes y las organizaciones de base comunitaria del Distrito, mediante alianzas entre las comunidades, el sector público y el sector privado y de conformidad con el Plan para el Distrito.

Mario Núñez Mercado
Director Ejecutivo

Firmes, Unidos y Resilientes con la Abogacía

Fomentar la resiliencia comunitaria a través de la abogacía participativa.

Lcda. Nalda Bobonis Cabrera
Presidenta Ejecutiva

Sembrando Sentido

Cosechamos conocimientos, herramientas e inspiración para alimentar y fortalecer los esfuerzos de la Sociedad Civil por prácticas de gobierno más transparentes, responsables, inclusivas y eficientes.

Issel Masses
Directora Ejecutiva

UPR Resiliency Law Center

Cambiar el equilibrio de poder hacia las comunidades locales y asegurar que la recuperación y reconstrucción ante desastres en Puerto Rico sea efectiva, justa y resiliente, y que se tomen en cuenta los problemas del cambio climático.

Vivian Neptune
Directora Ejecutiva

Liga de Ciudades

Strengthen the capacity of towns and communities in Puerto Rico to better face social, structural, fiscal and governance challenges.

Cristina M. Miranda Palacios
Directora Ejecutiva Fundadora

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Our Team

Glenisse Pagán, Executive Sponsor
Richard Córdova, Project Coordinator
Anja Paonessa, Project Administrator
Karla Vargas, Grants Officer
Maia Sherwood, OMT facilitators
Kenia Colón, OMT facilitators
El Enjambre, Cohort facilitators

About Filantropía Puerto Rico

A philanthropy-serving organization (PSO) connecting diverse philanthropic entities and amplifying their voice and impact in areas of equity, collaboration, transparency and social justice. As a convener of funders with grantmaking interest in Puerto Rico, we lead efforts to improve the lives of the marginalized.

This project is made possible by Ford Foundation

An independent, nonprofit grant-making organization. For more than 80 years it has worked with courageous people on the frontlines of social change worldwide, guided by its mission to strengthen democratic values, reduce poverty and injustice, promote international cooperation, and advance human achievement.

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