We are bringing our Collective Intelligence efforts to the next level with the Data Observatory. This platform makes it easier for users to find data, access research, and participate in virtual community discussions about Puerto Rico’s social sector in a single place.

Live Data Poll

Real-time data collection concerning tendencies or emerging issues.

Mark Your Calendar: Our next live data poll goes live on March 20

Sondeo anterior: Efecto de Congelación de Fondos Federales para las OSFL

Sondeo terminó el 14 de marzo de 2025 a las 11:59 PM (AST)

Total de organizaciones participantes: 113

Retos y Necesidades de las Organizaciones Sin Fines de Lucro y el Actual Contexto Político y Financiero

Sondeo cierra el 20 de abril de 2025 a las 7:00 PM (AST)

The poll results report will be generated and available for access. Stay tuned for insights and analysis.

[Sondeo] Retos y Necesidades de las Organizaciones Sin Fines de Lucro y el Actual Contexto Político y Financiero
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This chart will be available after the first data submission.

Previous Polls Results

Data Dashboard

Find graphics and visualizations of the data that we have collected about Puerto Rico’s social sector.

Number Active Donor Entities in Puerto Rico: 2022-2023

Data as of: December 3, 2023, 10:00 AM – Sourced from 76 nonprofit organizations in Puerto Rico.

Upcoming data report: Active Donors Entities in Puerto Rico, 2024. Contribute with your data here.

Check out the Active Donors Entities in Puerto Rico: 2021 here.

Areas impacted by funders and nonprofits organizations

By clicking a segment of the chart the impact area sub-level will appear.

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Data as of: October 10, 2024, 2:00 PM – Sourced from 228 surveyed organizations, encompassing 14 funders and 214 nonprofits.

Puerto Rico Solar and Renewable Energy Landscape

non-profit organizations, coalitions or community-based organizations were identified
of the non-profit organizations identified started work in Puerto Rico or were organized in 2017 or after
0 %
for-profit entities that directly offer goods or services in the solar energy industry in Puerto Rico were identified
of the for-profits have their main offices in San Juan
(86%) active companies offer installing services for PV systems
companies specialized in the selling or distribution of materials and equipment

Empowering Careers & Catalyzing Economic Growth

The data presented is based on 58 job postings submitted by funders and nonprofit organizations, representing 21 organizations, using our Job Board.

Salary Unit: Year| Month| Hour

Looking to expand your team? Post your job opportunities on our Job Board for the Social Sector.


Find and download all of our research publications in one place.

Estudio sobre el impacto económico y social de las organizaciones sin fines de lucro en Puerto Rico, 2022

DAR: Estudio sobre donativos de individuos en Puerto Rico

Voices and Data Collection

Colección de voces y datos

Recovery After Maria, When? For Whom?

Recuperación tras María, ¿Para cuándo? ¿Para quiénes?

Proyecto de Protección: Comunidad y Organizaciones de Impacto Social y Económico

Philanthropy and Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria: How a Natural Disaster put Puerto Rico on the Philanthropic Map and Implications for the Future

Puerto Rico: a New Reality

Addendum: Una mirada a las organizaciones comunitarias de impacto social

Estudio de las Organizaciones Sin Fines de Lucro en Puerto Rico 2015

Puerto Rico Data Facts for Systemic Change

Data Facts for Systemic Change tool is a list of data facts collected from multiple government entities, data and research generated by the social sector, and other reliable sources.

Arts Funding: In 2022, 0.47% ($49,040,000) of the General Fund Budget was allocated to arts and culture.

There are approximately 373,424 vacant houses in Puerto Rico, with a vacancy rate of 24%. This rate has doubled since 2000.

57.6% of Puerto Rico’s children (under the age of 18 years) live in poverty, compared to the United States which is 16.3%.

Puerto Rico has 673 closed schools from 2007 to 2018, with 81% of them in optimal condition for reopening or repurposing.

Police Misconduct: Between 2014 and 2020, 71 civilians were killed by police in Puerto Rico: 43% were unarmed (compared to 16% of police homicide victims in the United States).

Source: Kilómetro 0

Significant Loss of Doctors: Over the past thirteen years, more than 8,000 doctors have ceased to practice in Puerto Rico. This represents a loss of 46% of the island’s doctors in a little over a decade.

Check out the most overarching collection of data published by the social sector through the Collective Intelligence Hub!

Data Discussion Forum

Through this virtual community space, we can hold important conversations, debates, and collective analysis of data.

Community Forum
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Access tools to support your organization’s work and impact.

Herramienta de autodiagnóstico para fondos federales

Impact Areas Standardization Tool

How to Effectively Support Fiscally Sponsored Projects

Job Board for the Social Sector

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