We are bringing our Collective Intelligence efforts to the next level with the Data Observatory. This platform makes it easier for users to find data, access research, and participate in virtual community discussions about Puerto Rico’s social sector in a single place.
About the Data Observatory
We introduce you to Puerto Rico’s platform for those committed to strengthen and expand the philanthropic field: The Data Observatory. After five years of creating tools, collecting data, and publishing research that expands our field, we have designed a unique user-friendly platform where you can access data about Puerto Rico’s social sector in a single place.
Here’s what you’ll find in our Data Observatory:
📈 Data Access & Visualization: When using the data observatory, you will be able to access, visualize and analyze data to inform your organizational strategies. Accessibility has been prioritized in the design of this platform so that you can easily explore relevant data, and use graphic visualizations for your organizational needs.
🤖 FiPi (Your Data Bestie) We introduce you to FiPi, a chatbot that will accompany you in your exploration and research of data. Not sure where to find a full list of organizations working on education, ask FiPi about it and it will give you the information right away!
🗂️ Data Collection: Additionally, we also hope that you can contribute to this open-source tool where we will track the social impact of the philanthropic sector long-term. Through regular surveys and data collection from users, the observatory will also provide data to have an overarching understanding of the social sector and key issues in Puerto Rico. We will regularly collect real-time data concerning tendencies or emerging topics of interest.
📣 Virtual Community Space: You will have access to a discussion forum when you use the Data Observatory. By participating in this virtual community space, we can hold important conversations, debates, and collective analysis of data. In this way, the Data Observatory will not only serve as an essential tool to understand the field but also as a key space for the diversification of thought and perspectives in our sector.
🛠️ Tools: Access tools to support your organization’s work and impact, including self-assessment resources, toolkits and the Job Board for the Social Sector, designed to contribute to organizational development and strengthening.
Whether it is by using our data observatory for your work, providing your data, or being a part of the conversation, community spaces for debate produce more impactful philanthropy and strengthen the social sector.
Live Data Poll
Real-time data collection concerning tendencies or emerging issues.
Mark Your Calendar: Our next live data poll goes live on March 20
Sondeo anterior: Efecto de Congelación de Fondos Federales para las OSFL
Sondeo terminó el 14 de marzo de 2025 a las 11:59 PM (AST)
Total de organizaciones participantes: 113
Retos y Necesidades de las Organizaciones Sin Fines de Lucro y el Actual Contexto Político y Financiero
Sondeo cierra el 20 de abril de 2025 a las 7:00 PM (AST)
Propósito del sondeo
En el contexto actual, los cambios en políticas gubernamentales, ajustes en la distribución del capital y la incertidumbre económica han afectado a muchas organizaciones del sector social. Ante este panorama, este sondeo busca comprender y cuantificar los principales retos que enfrentan las organizaciones sin fines de lucro en Puerto Rico y entender las necesidades más críticas en este momento.
Agradecemos su tiempo y participación. Sus respuestas serán clave para visibilizar las necesidades del sector y facilitar la búsqueda de soluciones estratégicas.
*Los datos de este sondeo serán presentados y visualizados de manera agregada, sin mostrar resultados individuales por organización.
The poll results report will be generated and available for access. Stay tuned for insights and analysis.
Data Dashboard
Find graphics and visualizations of the data that we have collected about Puerto Rico’s social sector.
Number Active Donor Entities in Puerto Rico: 2022-2023
Chart information
The following chart displays the number of donor entities active in Puerto Rico during 2022 and 2023, segmented by their base location. Use the following buttons to filter the data:
- All: Shows the total number of active donors entities in Puerto Rico, combining those based in Puerto Rico, United States and Internationally.
- Puerto Rico: Displays donors who are based in Puerto Rico and have contributed to initiatives within Puerto Rico.
- United States: Displays donors who are based in the United States and have contributed to initiatives in Puerto Rico.
- International: Displays donors who are based outside Puerto Rico and the United States have contributed to initiatives on the island.
- Legend: You can also click on each year to selectively view or hide data from that year.
Data as of: December 3, 2023, 10:00 AM – Sourced from 76 nonprofit organizations in Puerto Rico.
Check out the Active Donors Entities in Puerto Rico: 2021 here.
Areas impacted by funders and nonprofits organizations
By clicking a segment of the chart the impact area sub-level will appear.
Chart Description
How are percentages calculated?
Each organization in the survey had the option to select multiple impact areas. Therefore, the percentages represent the frequency of each impact area’s selection relative to the total number of organizations surveyed.
To calculate the percentage for a specific impact area, we divide the number of times that impact area was selected by the total number of organizations in the respective entity type (either funders or non-profit organizations) and then multiply by 100 to convert it into a percentage.
In our dataset, the total number of surveyed organizations comprises 14 funders and 214 nonprofit organizations, summing up to 228 organizations in total.
Data as of: October 10, 2024, 2:00 PM – Sourced from 228 surveyed organizations, encompassing 14 funders and 214 nonprofits.
Puerto Rico Solar and Renewable Energy Landscape
Empowering Careers & Catalyzing Economic Growth
The data presented is based on 58 job postings submitted by funders and nonprofit organizations, representing 21 organizations, using our Job Board.
Looking to expand your team? Post your job opportunities on our Job Board for the Social Sector.
Find and download all of our research publications in one place.

Estudio sobre el impacto económico y social de las organizaciones sin fines de lucro en Puerto Rico, 2022
Estudio sobre el impacto económico y social de las organizaciones sin fines de lucro en Puerto Rico, 2022
Estudio sobre el impacto económico y social de las organizaciones sin fines de lucro en Puerto Rico, 2022
Durante las pasadas décadas, el Tercer Sector, compuesto por un conjunto amplio y diverso de organizaciones sin fines de lucro (OSFL), se ha convertido en un actor importante para el desarrollo social y económico de Puerto Rico. Ante un contexto más complejo, donde los reclamos y necesidades de la ciudadanía cambian constantemente y se hacen cada vez más intensos y fragmentados, las OSFL han desempeñado un papel significativo en la provisión de servicios sociales, aportando – a su vez – a la economía del País.
Este estudio tiene como objetivo proveer un panorama sobre el perfil actual del Tercer Sector y su contribución social y económica.

DAR: Estudio sobre donativos de individuos en Puerto Rico
DAR: Estudio sobre donativos de individuos en Puerto Rico
DAR: Estudio sobre donativos de individuos en Puerto Rico
Este estudio busca visibilizar la aportación filantrópica de las personas en Puerto Rico y proveer a las entidades que forman el Tercer Sector información que contribuya a un mejor entendimiento de los donativos de individuos para desarrollar estrategias y continuar aunando esfuerzos y maximizar el uso de los recursos en bienestar del País.

Voices and Data Collection
Voices and Data Collection
Voices and Data Collection
This Voices and Data Collection from 69 social actors will provoke the thought, reflection and discussion on issues that affect Puerto Rico. With this thematic series (focused on housing, environment, education, art and culture, and governance) we aspire to amplify the perspective of foundations and grantmakers that invest in the island, nurturing their strategies with the eyes of those who seek to support.

Colección de voces y datos
Colección de voces y datos
Colección de voces y datos
Esta colección de datos y voces de 69 actores sociales provocarán el pensamiento, la reflexión y la discusión sobre asuntos que afectan a Puerto Rico. Con esta serie temática (enfocada en vivienda, ambiente, educación, arte y cultura, y gobernanza) aspiramos a ampliar la perspectiva de fundaciones y grantmakers que invierten en la isla, nutriendo sus estrategias con la mirada de quienes buscan apoyar.

Recovery After Maria, When? For Whom?
Recovery After Maria, When? For Whom?
Recovery After Maria, When? For Whom?
Filantropía Puerto Rico (FiPR) convened a representative group of the organizations that have been actively working on managing the aftermath of Hurricanes Irma and Maria.
Three years after the disaster, they reflected on the present state of things on the island, and on the actions needed to change direction towards a just recovery that guarantees dignified living conditions and safe and healthy environments for the population.

Recuperación tras María, ¿Para cuándo? ¿Para quiénes?
Recuperación tras María, ¿Para cuándo? ¿Para quiénes?
Recuperación tras María, ¿Para cuándo? ¿Para quiénes?
Filantropía Puerto Rico (FiPR) convocó a un grupo representativo de las organizaciones que han estado trabajando activamente en el manejo de las secuelas de los huracanes Irma y María.
Tres años después del desastre, reflexionaron sobre el estado actual de la isla y sobre las acciones necesarias para cambiar de rumbo hacia una recuperación justa que garantice condiciones de vida dignas y ambientes seguros y saludables para la población.

Proyecto de Protección: Comunidad y Organizaciones de Impacto Social y Económico
Proyecto de Protección: Comunidad y Organizaciones de Impacto Social y Económico
Proyecto de Protección: Comunidad y Organizaciones de Impacto Social y Económico
Durante los pasados años, el Tercer Sector en Puerto Rico ha constituido una red de apoyo crítica para atender las necesidades de la población, a la vez que constituye una fuerza económica importante. Al examinar la estrategia de recuperación, se debe entender que las organizaciones sin fines de lucro son parte de las infraestructuras que el estado tiene a su disposición para enfrentar la pandemia y mitigar sus efectos. Su efectividad, sin embargo, requerirá proteger el sector para mantener la sustentabilidad de sus operaciones ante la crisis, y así sostener los miles de empleados y voluntarios que día a día se dan a la tarea de atender necesidades sociales en su entorno. Este proyecto se diseñó con la colaboración de 40 entidades representativas del Sector sin fines de lucro en Puerto Rico y el endoso de cientos organizaciones comunitarias de impacto social y económico.

Philanthropy and Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria: How a Natural Disaster put Puerto Rico on the Philanthropic Map and Implications for the Future
Philanthropy and Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria: How a Natural Disaster put Puerto Rico on the Philanthropic Map and Implications for the Future
Philanthropy and Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria: How a Natural Disaster put Puerto Rico on the Philanthropic Map and Implications for the Future
A study on private philanthropy following the 2017 hurricanes, reflecting on what we experienced and drawing lessons for the long rebuilding process, and for others who may have the misfortune of experiencing such a destructive event.

Puerto Rico: a New Reality
Puerto Rico: a New Reality
Puerto Rico: a New Reality
Analysis of the social, economic and fiscal situation of Puerto Rico in the context of Hurricanes Irma and Maria.

Addendum: Una mirada a las organizaciones comunitarias de impacto social
Addendum: Una mirada a las organizaciones comunitarias de impacto social
Addendum: Una mirada a las organizaciones comunitarias de impacto social
Este documento, constituye un addendum al Estudio de las organizaciones sin fines de lucro en Puerto Rico, 2015 y tiene el propósito de proveer una mirada profunda a las organizaciones dentro del Sector sin fines de lucro que proveen servicios directos a la población en áreas de desarrollo social y económico, a través de la combinación de recursos multisectoriales.

Estudio de las Organizaciones Sin Fines de Lucro en Puerto Rico 2015
Estudio de las Organizaciones Sin Fines de Lucro en Puerto Rico 2015
Estudio de las Organizaciones Sin Fines de Lucro en Puerto Rico 2015
El Tercer Sector, compuesto por las organizaciones sin fines de lucro (OSFL), aporta de manera significativa a la economía de Puerto Rico y constituyen una fuerza de transformación social de vital importancia para el País. Ante un panorama de recursos limitados, su labor se vuelve más apremiante y las ha movido a innovar, crear alianzas y solidificar lazos de colaboración para continuar brindando servicios a nuestras poblaciones más desventajadas. Este estudio es parte de un esfuerzo por presentar un perfil de las OSFL en Puerto Rico, ante este nuevo contexto. Con el estudio se pretende documentar el impacto de las OSFL en la creación de empleos, la movilización de voluntarios y el costo que el Gobierno se evita gracias al trabajo que realizan las organizaciones.
Descargue el Infográfico y el Resumen de los Hallazgos Sobresalientes.
Puerto Rico Data Facts for Systemic Change
Data Facts for Systemic Change tool is a list of data facts collected from multiple government entities, data and research generated by the social sector, and other reliable sources.
Arts Funding: In 2022, 0.47% ($49,040,000) of the General Fund Budget was allocated to arts and culture.
Source: Centro de Economía Creativa
There are approximately 373,424 vacant houses in Puerto Rico, with a vacancy rate of 24%. This rate has doubled since 2000.
57.6% of Puerto Rico’s children (under the age of 18 years) live in poverty, compared to the United States which is 16.3%.
Puerto Rico has 673 closed schools from 2007 to 2018, with 81% of them in optimal condition for reopening or repurposing.
Police Misconduct: Between 2014 and 2020, 71 civilians were killed by police in Puerto Rico: 43% were unarmed (compared to 16% of police homicide victims in the United States).
Source: Kilómetro 0
Significant Loss of Doctors: Over the past thirteen years, more than 8,000 doctors have ceased to practice in Puerto Rico. This represents a loss of 46% of the island’s doctors in a little over a decade.
Source: Center for a New Economy
Check out the most overarching collection of data published by the social sector through the Collective Intelligence Hub!
Data Discussion Forum
Through this virtual community space, we can hold important conversations, debates, and collective analysis of data.
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Community Forum
Access tools to support your organization’s work and impact.

Herramienta de autodiagnóstico para fondos federales
Herramienta de autodiagnóstico para fondos federales
Para Filantropía Puerto Rico, esta herramienta tiene el objetivo de provocar una reflexión sobre la capacidad para el acceso y manejo de fondos federales en las organizaciones sin fines de lucro en Puerto Rico. La misma puede utilizarse como punto de partida, en el proceso de análisis de su organización al determinar si va a acceder fondos federales vinculados a la recuperación.

Impact Areas Standardization Tool
Impact Areas Standardization Tool
As part of our mission to sustain the social ecosystem and strategic social investments in Puerto Rico, we generate, organize, and share data to support philanthropy in addressing the challenges and opportunities in Puerto Rico.
To achieve this, we seek to:
- have a shared context of the impact areas of the social ecosystem.
- know the impact areas that are currently being worked on through your entity.
- obtain information on the impact of the social ecosystem on the social development of Puerto Rico.
The standardization of impact areas provides multiple benefits for data measurement and analysis. By having uniform metrics, the analysis process will be simplified and optimized, allowing clearer and more effective communication thereof. This, in turn, will facilitate the understanding and dissemination of reports and results among the general public, which contributes to raising awareness and understanding of the information presented.

How to Effectively Support Fiscally Sponsored Projects
How to Effectively Support Fiscally Sponsored Projects
Learn how to integrate effective and equitable practices to support fiscally sponsored grantees.
Fiscal sponsorships open up opportunities for more diverse grantmaking. Here you will find guidelines about supporting a fiscally sponsored grantee.
This toolkit will help you improve your grantmaking efforts and make them more equitable. Explore the toolkit.

Job Board for the Social Sector
Job Board for the Social Sector
Attracting competitive candidates could be only a few clicks away!
This self-managed tool facilitates the posting of job openings and the promotion of your organization’s career opportunities.
You can attract competitive and passionate candidates seeking a professional future in the social sector by sharing your posting on this platform.
Here’s why the job board is a valuable resource for the social sector and job seekers alike:
- Increased Job Visibility and Reach: Funders and nonprofit organizations can publish their current job openings, increasing visibility and reach within the social sector.
- Sector Strength and Economic Impact: Our job board provides an insightful view of the sector’s strength and its impact on the economy, demonstrating the significant role the social sector plays in Puerto Rico.
- Centralized Career Opportunities: Acting as a central platform, our job board highlights career opportunities for job seekers applying for positions in the social sector that match their skills and aspirations.
- Professional Future: Showcasing that career opportunities in the social sector are robust and rewarding.
We invite all our social sector collaborators to make the most of this job board.