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Insights into Active Donor Entities in Puerto Rico During 2021 and 2022

Filantropía Puerto Rico identified active donor entities in 2021 and 2022 and categorized them by their donor type—Philanthropy, Public, Private, and Crowdfunding, offering insights into the evolving patterns of philanthropic activities and donor behaviors within the island’s social ecosystem. The data, as of October 9, 2023, from 9 nonprofit organizations, details the active donor entities, identifies the most and least active donor types, and tracks consistencies, expansions, initiations, and cessations in contributions. Our purpose was to know the active philanthropic entities, but the analysis resulted in a broader one that includes other donor entity types and gives us a broader overview of the fiscal health of the sector.

In 2021, the philanthropic landscape in Puerto Rico was marked by the active participation of various donor entities across different categories, reflecting an ecosystem of support for nonprofit organizations. The year unfolded with a strong emphasis on philanthropy, private, and public contributions. Throughout 2021, the collective efforts of philanthropic, public, and private donors provided essential support to a wide array of initiatives and nonprofit organizations.

The Philanthropy Donor Type, including funders with and without endowments, emerged as the most active donor type. With 43 active donor entities identified, philanthropy notably dominated the landscape, marking a trend of structured-focused project-based initiatives and mission-driven support. The active participation of 27 philanthropic entities indicated a robust inclination towards addressing societal needs through structured grantmaking and resource pooling.

Public support, derived from governmental entities, played a role in advancing public needs and promoting community welfare. With 10 active public donor entities, 2021 witnessed substantial investments in programs, projects, and initiatives to enhance Puerto Ricans’ quality of life and foster the development of a resilient Puerto Rico.

The private sector also contributed significantly to the philanthropic efforts in Puerto Rico. Corporations and for-profit entities offered financial support to charitable causes. The involvement of 5 private donor entities in 2021 highlighted the corporate sector’s role in social and environmental initiatives, reinforcing the interconnectedness of Puerto Rico’s social ecosystem.

The following year, 2022, continued witnessing donor entities’ dynamic engagement in Puerto Rico. The philanthropic sector once again stood out, with an increase in the number of active entities from 27 to 32. This growth suggests an expanding interest and commitment to supporting social causes, emphasizing the enduring impact of philanthropy in addressing complex societal challenges.

Public donations saw a notable increase, with the number of active public donor entities rising to 13. This increase in public sector participation reflects a possible growing acknowledgment of the essential role government plays in community support and development, further contributing to the overall sustainability of those organizations.

Despite a slight reduction in the number of active private donor entities, from 5 to 4, the private sector’s contribution remained significant. The enduring involvement of these entities underscored the importance of corporate social responsibility and the potential for private sector initiatives to complement the efforts of philanthropic and public donors.

As 2022 unfolded, reinforced the foundation for strategic social investments in Puerto Rico. The continued focus on philanthropy, alongside contributions from public and private sectors, underscored a collective drive towards fostering a more equitable and resilient Puerto Rico. Over the two years, the active engagement of donor entities in Puerto Rico highlighted a multifaceted approach to philanthropy characterized by diverse contributions and a shared commitment to societal advancement.

The intersection of philanthropic, public, and private funding played a role in addressing the challenges and opportunities within the island’s social ecosystem, laying the groundwork for continued progress and development. The steady trend towards targeted, meaningful contributions, primarily in philanthropy, reflects a clear recognition of the transformative impact of strategic funding.

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