FiPR News

Our Last Members' Brunch of 2023!

It’s been a boost since we started one of our remarkable relationship building events: The Members Brunch! 

Last Thursday, we hosted the year’s final Members Brunch at La Isla in Santurce. This gathering provided us with an opportunity to engage in thoughtful discussions, reflecting on our accomplishments as an ecosystem over this year. We reached a consensus regarding the importance of proactively identifying opportunities and planning for the needs of Puerto Rico, rather than merely reacting to emergencies and crises, which has been the norm in recent years.

Following these discussions, we proudly shared our organization’s achievements in serving the philanthropic ecosystem of Puerto Rico. We have been intentional in fostering meaningful conversations and cultivating valuable relationships within these collective spaces. We are looking forward to improving and strengthening our relationships for the next year in order to sustain meaningful connections that drive to better strategize and advance equity in Puerto Rico. 

That being said, it was important for us to close our member brunch cycle for the year with a recognition of where we are and all we learned of each other throughout this year:

In February, we visited Fundación de Mujeres en Puerto Rico to explore their ways to leverage equity through efforts focused on gender and lgbtqiia+ issues.

In April, Fundación Ángel Ramos opened their doors and guided us to their historic impact around education, arts and culture and social wellbeing in Puerto Rico through more than sixty years.

In June, we went to the Cuartel de Ballajá in the historical Old San Juan, to meet the headquarters of Humanidades Puerto Rico. This brunch provided us with a valuable opportunity to delve into the significance of disseminating knowledge as a means to promote equitable access to cultural and humanistic studies.

And in August, Fundación Segarra Boerman hosted our encounter with the opportunity to explore their particular grantmaking practice aimed at trust based philanthropy, a philanthropic methodology aimed to flex and balance power around the grantmaking process.

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