Puerto Rico Fund

A philanthropic-strategic investment tool to mobilize money for systemic changes that promote equity in Puerto Rico.

The FORWARD Puerto Rico Fund is committed to mobilizing investments that will drive systemic changes to advance equity in Puerto Rico. Through this philanthropic-strategic investment tool, the philanthropic ecosystem connects with each other to strengthen and support the island’s community-based organizations and contribute to collective solutions and actions that individual grants could not achieve.

We attract funders to invest in long-term systemic change to move Puerto Rico FORWARD.

Our connection within the philanthropic ecosystem in Puerto Rico is our most valuable asset. We have deep-rooted relationships that allow us to leverage and align that investment, connect more directly with ground realities, engage in active listening, collect data and innovate together to solve common problems. We seek to expand local and international philanthropy organizations to amplify their impact in the way to advance social justice and equity.

"Mobilizing investment for Puerto Rico to drive systemic changes that advance equity."

Our Drive

Mobilize and align strategic philanthropic investment in Puerto Rico to promote equity, social justice and systemic change.

Attract funders to invest in long-term systemic change

Serve as a platform and vehicle for philanthropic-strategic investment in Puerto Rico.

Connect local and international philanthropic organizations with community-based organizations in Puerto Rico.

Visibilize the efforts of community-based organizations in Puerto Rico to continue promoting the growth of the social sector.

Constant implementation of innovative philanthropic practices that advance equity and justice.

Promote social justice and transparency in the distribution of public funds, with special emphasis on recovery funds provided by the federal government.

Facilitate data analysis, dialogue and informed public discussions on the actual and potential impacts of new policies, especially on vulnerable populations.

Foster resilience and sustainability of the nonprofit sector by enhancing leadership, strengthening fiscal and programmatic health, increasing collective influence and voice, and enabling collaboration among organizations.

Forward Fund impact over the years

For more than five years, this collaborative fund has supported key nonprofit organizations that are advancing innovative projects that impact systemic change across the island on issues related to: transparency, public policy, housing, data generation, governance, energy, environment, and education.

Emergency Relief Grant


FORWARD Fund Objectives Born

Distribution Transparency


Data Generation


Resiliency and Sustainability


Emergency Reserve Fund


Distribution Transparency


Data Generation


Resiliency and Sustainability


Colección de Voces + Datos


Data Generation


Earthquake Relief Grants


Resiliency and Sustainability


Learning to Listen – Education Collective


Learning to Listen – Governance Collective


Learning to Listen – Environment Collective


Resiliency and Sustainability


Fiona Relief Fund – Mutual Aid Centers 




As we support key non profit organizations we would keep moving FORWARD towards systemic changes that advance equity in Puerto Rico.

Featured Grantees

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Grant Amount
Forward Fund Initiative

Become our Strategic Partner!

As we support key non profit organizations we would keep moving FORWARD towards systemic changes that advance equity in Puerto Rico.

Get to know more about the FORWARD Fund Impact

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FORWARD Fund: Fiona Relief

Once more, the FORWARD Fund of Filantropía Puerto Rico is present in the disaster and recovery response after Hurricane Fiona.

Become our Strategic Partner!

As we support key non profit organizations we would keep moving FORWARD towards systemic changes that advance equity in Puerto Rico.

FORWARD Fund: Fiona Relief

Once more, the FORWARD Fund of Filantropía Puerto Rico is present in the disaster and recovery response after Hurricane Fiona.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I invest in the FORWARD Fund?

Filantropía Puerto Rico would be happy to introduce you to the many ways in which you can contribute to advancing and mobilizing equity in Puerto Rico. Contact our Strategic Initiatives Officer: Karla Vargas at [email protected] or reach her directly at

Where can I see the grantees supported by the FORWARD Fund?

The FORWARD Fund has supported 153 organizations over the past five years on a variety of topics related to disaster recovery and systemic change. Take a look at our grantees here.

Where can I see assets from this fund?

The organizations supported by the FORWARD Fund have been making huge impact to our island, some of them are: (FEATURED ORG)

Visit our Social Sector Assets webpage to learn how organizations continue to mobilize equity in Puerto Rico.

Who is included in the philanthropic ecosystem?

Donors, foundations, funders, donors, investors and any organization that invests or is interested in investing in Puerto Rico in an equitable manner.

Is Filantropía Puerto Rico a foundation?

Although we are NOT a foundation, nor do we have open calls for proposals, we serve as a connector between the social sector. Interested organizations complete their proposal information through a form we provide and we share it with our network.

What are the practices you use to mobilize investment (money) to Puerto Rico?

Filantropía Puerto Rico is constantly improving in transformative philanthropic practices based on trust-based practices. Within our membership, we open spaces for debate and dialogue to engage in collective action to address the most important needs.

Some of our practices are: participatory grantmaking, invitation to key nonprofit organizations in Puerto Rico, open calls for proposals for all community–based organizations.

Does the FORWARD Fund only support 501(c)(3) organizations in Puerto Rico?

The FORWARD Fund may grant funds to non-501(c)(3) community-based organizations through a fiscal sponsor. A fiscal sponsor provides fiscal and legal infrastructure and shared management systems to initiatives that advance its mission and vision for social change. 

We currently have 19 fiscal sponsors that support FORWARD Fund grantees to continue their missions. You can learn more about fiscal sponsorship from one of our grantees: (link HASER)

In what areas of work does FORWARD fund impacts?

For more than five years, this collaborative fund has supported organizations in the social sector that are impacting systemic change on the island on issues related to: transparency, public policy, housing, data generation, governance, energy, environment, and education.

What other support do you offer the Grantees?

We are always looking to expand our listening practices and ensure that we are relevant to the reality of our grantees. We organize Charging Stations (1:1 calls), we offer webinars for them to present their projects, we blog about their impacts, we provide research and tools. Here you can find a collection of research and tools related to the island’s philanthropic ecosystem and here you can find our self-diagnostic tool for federal funds.

Does the FORWARD Fund make grants to individuals?

We do not offer grants to individuals, the FORWARD Fund grants support to community based organizations.

Does the FORWARD Fund support fundraising events?

We do not offer support for fundraising events.

How do you ensure the FORWARD Fund's impact?

Input from our grantees is invaluable! We asked our grantees to complete an evaluation of our transformational practices and how we have supported them in achieving their goals. This way we know firsthand how we are supporting those who support and constantly evaluate and improve ourselves.

Our practices are based on trust-based philanthropy. We know that the grantees want a Puerto Rico with equal opportunities for all as much as we do. To learn more about the impact of our grantees, we conduct Charging Stations and semi-annual and annual reports. We are also fortunate to be constantly connected to them through their local activities.

Where is this fund administered?

It is administered by Filantropia Puerto Rico (FiPR) which is a 501(c)(3) organization.

As a Grantee, how can I get support from the FORWARD fund?

Filantropía Puerto Rico is not a foundation, so we do not have open calls at this time. If you have an initiative, idea or are looking for support from the philanthropic ecosystem, you can fill out this form and we will share it with our network:

We cannot ensure that you will be contacted, but we can do our part and share your information.

Where does the FORWARD Fund come from?

The FORWARD fund was created by a network of (7) foundations as a collective and strategic mechanism for foundations to join investment efforts that individually were not possible.  As a result of this vision and the fiscal crisis that Puerto Rico began to face, these organizations-members of Red de Fundaciones (the precursor to Filantropía Puerto Rico), developed a collaborative fund that would allow them to join efforts, reach more community-based organizations and invest strategically in Puerto Rico.

This vision was amplified by the impact of Hurricanes Maria and Irma. Both hurricanes devastated the archipelago, causing a huge economic crisis and leaving the basic needs of individuals and communities uncovered. In Puerto Rico, nonprofit and community-based organizations have been the first to respond to the crises, document the impacts, organize disaster responses, advocate for the most vulnerable populations and create innovative initiatives.

Does the FORWARD Fund have open calls?

We do not have open calls because the FORWARD fund is not a recurring fund like a foundation (remember that we are not a foundation, but a philanthropy serving organization). Through this collaborative fund donors respond to the needs of the social sector on the island, and in this way, the FORWARD fund is able to support community-based organizations that are mobilizing systemic changes that advance equity in Puerto Rico.

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