FiPR News

Action Summary June 2023

June came with the completion of our Strategic Plan for the coming years. To follow our mission and values, we work as connectors and facilitators that hold the needed spaces for the philanthropic sector to be at the forefront of social change on the archipelago and closely in touch with community based organizations.

As part of serving our network, we hold regular spaces to strengthen our relationships, grow our collective intelligence, and explore innovative strategies to take action. As part of expanding our philanthropic practices, we curate resources, collect data, and promote spaces to attract financial investments to Puerto Rico.

During our Members Brunch at Humanidades Puerto Rico in el Cuartel de Ballajá, Viejo San Juan, we sustained a conversation about their cultural projects with communities, schools and art resources in our archipelago. Also, we met and welcomed the new executive director of Fundación Intellectus, Laura Rexach Olivencia. Humanidades Puerto Rico joined our membership this year and their recent integration puts into perspective the importance of socializing knowledge to achieve equity in access to culture and humanistic studies.

Also, throughout our monthly Action Dialogue, we discussed and shared our perspectives of Making social justice explicit. This conversation about social justice went around two relevant topics: the grant decision makers involved in training about social justice and/or Puerto Rico´s community before making decisions and the role of social justice in foundation priorities and community needs.

Likewise, during our second Learning Journey of the year with our members, we immersed ourselves in Barriorization in Manatí. We had the opportunity to hear, learn and explore this project that seeks to heal and recuperate the historic memory of the town with a gender and LGBTTQIA+ perspective. This organization has been working for years to redefine the historical memory of Manatí and Puerto Rico and to transform their cultural and urban narrative through their Casa Archivo project.

Furthermore, as we expand our repository of resources with our Collective Intelligence initiative and with the support of Kresge Foundation, we created a landscape of key players in the solar and renewable energy ecosystem in Puerto Rico. This analysis is a step towards understanding the landscape of solar renewable energy in Puerto Rico, in hopes that its findings can spur conversations about the ecosystem, its current direction, investments, recommendations for capacity development, gaps and the best role for philanthropy to play moving forward.

Besides that and as the main conector of the philanthropic ecosystem in the archipelago, we are actively working in the planning process of our 2023 Annual Convening. This year, our focus is on expanding our individual perspectives and aligning our actions for collective growth and that’s why we’ve called it: Expand to Align Collective Action.

As well, our executive director, Glenisse Pagán participated in the Hispanics in Philanthropy (HIP) Congress held in San Francisco, California. She led the only session talking about Puerto Rico: The Future of the World is the NOW of Puerto Rico: Social Justice Innovations in a Climate Crisis Context. The panel consisted of Cristina Miranda from Liga de Ciudades, Xiomara Caro from María Fund and Colibrí Sanfiorenzo from HASER. All gave different and diverse perspectives of the social infrastructure created so far in the archipelago and the fight for a more equitable and fair Puerto Rico.

On the other hand, we celebrated the launch of the Guía de Auspicio Fiscal of HASER. This guide is a tool for collective impact to share resources that without a doubt will strengthen all of the social ecosystem. We are honored that through the investments channeled through the FORWARD Puerto Rico Fund we can support projects and organizations that promote systemic changes and move Puerto Rico forward.

Likewise, during the get-together with some of Centros de Apoyo Mutuo (CAM´s) of Puerto Rico at Hacienda La Esperanza in Manatí we exchanged perspectives, listened actively, learned and inquired about the work that these grassroots organizations do in their communities facing the challenges of the political and economical problems that we faced in our archipelago.

Otherwise, throughout their sixth cohort meeting, our community of practice, Robusteciendo la justicia social continued their conversations about displacement and how they confronted that relevant national problem. Also, they shared common challenges and received feedback from their peers. The purpose of this space continues to be reaffirmed: to expand and sustain an infrastructure so that organizations that are working on issues related to social justice continue to mobilize systemic changes on our archipelago.

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